Answer: Annual Report
Completing the question with right answer:
An annual report is a yearly published statement of the financial condition, progress and expectations of an organization.
The financial report is normally targeted at the stakeholders and other individuals who have interest in the organization.
b. Bob listens to the radio station several hours per day but never donates since he suspects that other people will donate enough to keep the station on the air.
. Jim is working on a group project for a class in which he wants a high grade. However, since the grades are assigned to the group as a whole and he knows that the other group members will pick up most of the extra work, Jim calls in sick and plays video games on his Dream Station 64.
Free riding is when a person enjoys the benefit of a good or service but doesn't pay for it. This is a form of market failure.
Bob listens to the radio but doesn't donate and Jim would benefit from the grade given to the group but doesn't participate. These are instances of free riding.
Karl doesn't drive at night and so doesn't enjoy the benefits of the street light and doesn't pay. This is not an instance of free riding.
I hope my answer helps
It’s B, a whistleblower reports the business
As assets but separately from other receivables.
When a company lends money to its employees, managers or affiliated companies, or sells goods or services to them, it must report those accounts or notes receivables in a separate account than normal transactions carried out with external customers. This happens because the transactions must be verifiable to check if they were legal and followed the proper procedures, and at what price or interest rate were they carried out. E.g. a corporation that lens $10 million to its CEO at 1% interest rate is not doing things properly and that transaction should be reversed and proper interest rates must be charged.
I believe that Amazon became successful as a business model by in some ways mimicking Sears model. At first Amazon only sold books and once they had mastered that successfully they were able to put many independent book stores out of business and then focused their energies on every other non perishable item that people needed. They took on toys clothing, food items etc. Sears did this by providing items out of their catalog. Amazon does this from their online app. people create their accounts and can search from their phones and have things sent directly to their homes. The advancement of Amazon can be directly related to the demise of shopping malls.