There are ore beliefs in Buddhism that they practices, the four Noble truths, the noble eightfold path and five precepts. Regrets and suffering is present and it is experience universally and the cause is of this is attachment and desire.
Social Psychology has been of great importance at all time and its been taken by the different forms of groups of people like leaders, writers, philanthropist, philosopher etc as we cannot mark that social psychologists are the only people who are interested in understanding and predicting social behavior or the only people who study it. Above mentioned all cadres of groups of people and many more takes it. According to Social psychologists, When they follow a systematic approach and conduct scientific research; they can obtained true understanding of the causes of social behavior.
How can we use the sociocultural perspective and social neuroscience to improve our social well being or social welfare? we here take the model of Decety el at. As the use of social neuroscience help to improve the social well-being and social- welfare of society by investigating and explaining social behavior through multiple levels of analyses including the neural system. One of the social behaviors mentioned was the reinstatement of emotion. He explained how emotions are linked with social behavior or functions.
Now when we look at the sociocultural perspective, it is used that how we react and treat others. The social well-being and welfare of society will come from what we have learned from others.According to Martin & Kirschner, these approaches to psychology understand cognition, emotion, memory, identity, and personality as relational entities that emerge out of interactions with others within a sociocultural context.
A social statistician is someone who investigates social problems, collects the statistics, writes reports based upon the findings, and raises necessary funds.
Social statistician <span>uses </span>applied mathematics activity<span> systems </span>to review<span> human behavior </span>in an exceedingly<span> social </span>atmosphere<span> and analyzes the behaviors of </span>teams of individuals<span> in their </span>atmosphere<span> and special </span>things<span> and determines </span>the requirements of individuals<span> through </span>applied mathematics<span> sampling.</span>
The former empire of Austria-Hungary was dissolved, and new nations were created from its land: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. The Ottoman Turks had to give up much of their land in southwest Asia and the Middle East. In Europe, they retained only the country of Turkey.