The process by which isogamous organisms exchange genetic information during fertilization is called conjugation.
In process of meiosis. The hypothalamus or the master gland in most animals, including humans send signals to the ovaries and testes of the reproductive system. In response to these signals, these ovaries and testes undergoes thesex cells division which is called meiosis<span>. </span>Spermatogenesis <span>in male gametes, is the process of sex cell division among sperm cells. On the other hand, </span>oogenesis<span> is for the female gametes. These cell divisions among respective gametes produces haploid cell which only contain one pair of chromosomes, in number -23.<span> </span></span>
Cellular respiration is the process by which organisms use oxygen to break down food molecules to get *chemical energy *for cell functions.
Re-producing sexually will allow the sea anemones to give their offspring a more diverse gene pool and can mitigate the risks of a genetic disorder being spread to the offspring because the bad gene has a higher chance become recessive if the gene of the anemone it mates with is more dominant (meaning it wouldn't allow the "bad" gene to show in the offspring) whereas otherwise, the offspring would have the same issues the mother did (assuming it had a bad gene to begin with).
I pick c. because I really can't see the screen very well.