Revivals. They would gather large groups of people together and preach for lengthy periods of time, often more than three hours. These were occumpanied sometimes by odd twitchings (the holy twitches) People falling d wn and rolling on the ground, and shouting. It helped to convert People to a certain denomination, but it is important to note that mostly women attended these revivals
Cells in onion peels are dead and the ones in spinach are alive.
16 pg at the end of S
16 pg at the end of G2
A cell has 8 pg of DNA per nucleus in G1.
During S phase the DNA replicates, so every nucleus will contain double the normal amount of DNA that was present in G1. Therefore, at the end of S each nucleus would have 16 pg of DNA.
During G2 the cell continues growing and preparing for mitosis, but DNA content does not change: there are still 16 pg per nucleus.