The survey return rate is actually low
A survey is simply the systematic gathering or collection of information from individuals and it has 3 (three) different research methods which are the Experimental, quasi-experimental and Non-experimental. In a survey, it entails Information gathering - polls, census, attitudes and theory testing/building, personality traits, social psychology.
mail Survey is defined simply as a self-administered, mail-back variety of questionnaire in which a stamped, addressed return envelope is enclose.
Advantages includes, Affordable wide geographical and perhaps more representative and others.
Disadvantages includes.nonresponsiveness, possible differences between respondents and nonrespondents, slowness of response to follow-up attempts and others. Survey return rate is low when responsiveness is poor.
We have are power gird.
The west of the United States has its own power gird and the east to as its own
Burgoyne's plan revolved around an invasion of 8,000 British<span> troops from Canada, who would move southward through </span>New<span> York by way of Lake Champlain and the Mohawk River, taking the Americans by surprise. ... As Burgoyne's army marched south, Patriot militia circled north, cutting the </span>British<span> supply line.</span>
the source of sediment for the morrison formation is true