The answer is C. A man wants to use national currency to buy a horse in Maryland.
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A place that is more likely to be able to use a geothermal energy is a place near a volcano. This is because a place that is near a volcano has heat and geothermal energy is produced or made by the heat within the Earth.
B. special effects
In the 19th century, there were no computers of special camera to effect special effects, it is a 20th century development. Special effects was not influenced by 19th century visual culture. On the contrary, tableaux of key dramatic moments, indoor lighting systems, painted sets and props, participation of famous stage actors are part of 19th century visual culture that had an influence on the staging of early films.
The relationship has the largest effect size.
So, we are given in the question above the following information or data;
(1). That the ''randomly samples 1,500 elderly men and women in Nashville, Tennessee (the state capital), located in the southern United States".
(2). Life satisfaction and experience of daily stress: r = −.57 (p = .01).
(3). "Number of friends one has and experience of daily stress: r = .09, not sig."
(4) ,"Number of friends one has and life satisfaction: r = .36 (p = .04) ".
Hence, if we compare all these correlations, Dr. Gomez will be most able to accurately predict life satisfaction from the experience of daily stress because the relationship HAS THE LAGEST EFFECT SIZE.
When people experience stress daily they develop lesser satisfaction. Scatterplot can be created for the relationship. So, if you look at the 3 correlations and the size given we can be be able to predict life satisfaction from the experience of daily stress