The function of the atria is to collect and pump blood into the ventricles. The function of the ventricles is to pump blood into systemic and pulmonary circulations.
Where's the choices?? But anyways cardio has to do directly with the heart and it's pace if I do crunches that is NOT cardio respiratory it's neither cardio respiratory hope this helps
They need to have a q system perspective in order to work.
The best answer to the question: Which statements made by the nursing students indicate understanding regarding the presence of surfactant, would be, B: 3, 4 and 5.
Pumonary surfactant is a lipoprotein substance that is present in the alveoli of the lungs and which ensure that the process of breathing is possible. Pulmonary surfactant is vital in neonates, and when they are born prematurely, surfactant will be provided so that the neonate can breathe normally, once he/she comes out of the wound. Without this administration, breathing for the newborn will not be possible. Surfactant helps to ensure lung compliance, ir prevents atelectasia (collapse of the lungs) during exhalation and it also helps to recruit collapsed alveoli. It is also a means by which gas exchange between the air and the lungs is increased, improving the exchange of O2 and CO2 and finally, it is important for immunity in the lungs. Understanding all this is vital for any nurse, and especially pediatric nurses.
B) protein
C) fat
F) carbohydrates