- We find that Ramanujan-type congruences for Hurwitz class numbers can be sustained on nonholomorphic generating series, in contrast to all other known Ramanujan-type congruences.
- For such nonholomorphic congruences of Hurwitz class numbers, we demonstrate a divisibility conclusion.
- The holomorphic projection of theta series products with a Hurwitz class number generating series and a Serre theorem.
The National Academy of Sciences is how esteemed?
- The American National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is thought to be the nation's most esteemed honorary scientific society.
- But it also has a track record for being male, old, and white. By extending an invitation to a younger, more diverse group of scientists to join them, its members today made a significant step in changing their reputation.
To learn more about National Academy of Sciences, visit:
The correct answer to the following question will be "Macro-environment
- A macro climate or environment is the situation that persists throughout the society itself, instead of in one industry or area in particular, it is made up of wider cultural factors that affect the way an organization operates and represents its clients.
- It covers GDP trends, interest rates, job opportunities, expenditure, and fiscal policy.
So, it's the right answer.
Fraternal twins typically happen when two fertilized eggs are rooted in the uterus wall at the same period or time. When two eggs are individualistically fertilized by two different sperm cells, fraternal twins is the end outcome. The two eggs form two zygotes, therefore the terms dizygotic and biovular. Fraternal twins are, fundamentally, two normal siblings who come about to be born at the same time, since they arise from two separate eggs fertilized by two separate sperm, just like normal siblings.
Education is the result of the educational process that implies preparation to transform a reality from the knowledge, skills, values and abilities that are acquired at each stage and throughout life. Development is achieved through the education of critical and creative people who generate new knowledge and respond from a historical-cultural perspective to present and future problems, transforming and enriching society.
The progress of humanity largely depends on education. Educating is a process and as such implies the idea of advancement and progress. The education of individuals implies the end achieved, that is, we speak of social action (educating) on individuals (social beings), enabling them (capacity development) to understand their reality and transform it in a conscious, balanced and efficient way so that they can act as socially responsible people. Education therefore implies the idea of optimization; that is to say, whoever tries to educate others (heteroeducation) or who tries to educate herself/himself (self-education) assumes the idea of the improvement of the social individual, therefore this constitutes a function of society.