The document that determines the number of shares a company can sell is C) a corporate charter. This document, issued by the founders of a corporation and approved by the government, describes in detail all the major components of it, including a declaration of the maximum number of shares the company will be legally authorized to sell.
Id assume this question is meant to be multiple choice as there are many countries in which Christianity is illegal but the most prominent to me would be China.
Power based from an election I think
Explanation: I was born into a Buddhist family, so I practice Buddhisim. We were not born into power. Buddhist people can gain follwers but we are not really born into power.
Nationalism was a great cause of World War one because of countries being greedy and not negotiating. Nationalist groups in Austria-Hungary and Serbia wanted independence. France wanted Alsace Lorraine back from Germany who was lost in 1871 Franco-Prussian war.
D) All of the above
Lobbying has become a very widespread and powerful industry in the United States. According to several estimates, there are around 20 lobbysts per congress person in the United States, which says a lot about the power of lobbying.
Lobbying has spread to practically every industry: from energy, to logging, to banking, practically every sector in the economy has lobbysts in Washington and in state capitals representing their interests.