There are three stages of the general adaptation syndrome as described by Hans Selye. The first stage is the alarm stage, the second stage is the resistance stage, and the third stage is the exhaustion stage. In the resistance stage, the body tries to either adapt to or resist the stressor. Hormonal changes from the alarm stage are still present in this stage with high levels of blood pressure and glucose in the blood. However the stress hormones levels are being normalized, allowing the body to shift from alertness to normalization or repair.
private speech
Rachel, age 3, walks by her grandmother' s collection of glass animals and says, "Those are a no-no ; can't touch those." According to Vygotsky, Rachel is using private speech to self-regulate her behavior. social speech thoughts private speech infant-directed speech
Answer: Attitude is what builds up the character of an individual. If you want to know how someone would act or behave on a particular event, job or situation is through their attitude you would know
Attitude is what builds up the character of an individual. If you want to know how someone would act or behave on a particular event, job or situation is through their attitude you would know.
Attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are result of experience or upbringing, and they can have a powerful influence over behavior. In most scenario environment, events, movies, experiences play a key role in the attitude of an individual.
Sometimes we are limited by our attitude than opportunities. Opportunities may come often or once a while but what determines them staying is our attitude towards them or during them
On the delayed tests 93% vs 13%
In the experiment by Bower and Clark on the story construction technique for memorizing serial lists of words (discussed in class), subjects were tested twice—immediately after studying a list and again after all the lists were presented (delayed test). The story group recalled many more words than the control group on the delayed tests 93% vs 13%
C. Pyrenees. <span>Reaching a height of 3,404 meters (11,168 ft)</span>