In the State of Texas over 18% of all inmates have been convicted of Drug offenses.
According to reports over 114 of these inmates are serving life sentences with some convicted of possessing 1-4 gms of drugs.
Many law markers believe that these people are serving long prison sentences for relatively minor offenses.
4. All of these
As developed by J. Stacy Adams, a behavioral psychologist in the 1960s, equity theory seeks to understand the equality in distribution of resources among individuals. It is measured by comparing ratio of contributions to ratio of rewards. This theory explains employees or workers need to balance their input in their work and the reward or output they get from it.
the planets can be divided into two main groups: rocky planets, (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) which are also called terrestrial planets and have very rocky surfaces; and gas planets -also called gas giants- are, like the name says, made of different gases, and these are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune ...