the Belmont report summarizes 3 principles for studies involving human subjects, these are; respect for persons, beneficience and justice.
the principle of justice demands that when studying a particular group it must have been assertained that the problem in prevalent in that ethnic group and that reasonable, non-exploitative, and well-considered procedures are administered fairly
A route that would lead them to the riches of the east
d. fraud.
Berry was fooled by Clyde when he attests false information about his supposed experience. Because of the fact that this information is not true, Berry can sue Clyde for fraud, arguing that he presented false information and put his life at risk, once Clyde had no experience and, apparently, he didn't know the canyon.
buenos dias,porque contigo yo escoji ahorami corazon ta sufri bien simple lang iyo tapidi ela cin ti tu el co sa yo ya cinti