They found that difference occurs in the speed of both sound and charges occur due to the difference in the type of medium.
Sound and charges needs specific medium for faster movement i.e. sound moves faster in solid as compared to liquid and gas whereas charges moves faster and easily in gold due to lower resistance which is followed by copper. Sound can move from solid, liquid and gases whereas charges move only in solid metal in which free electrons are present. The speed of sound and flow of current are affected due to difference in the arrangement of atoms in solid, liquid and gas.
Salt domes storage has advantages in cost, security, environmental risk, and maintenance. Salt formations offer the lowest cost, most environmentally secure way to store crude oil for long periods of time. Stockpiling oil in artificially-created caverns deep within the rock-hard salt costs historically about $3.50 per barrel in capital costs. Storing oil in above ground tanks, by comparison, can cost $15 to $18 per barrel - or at least five times the expense. Also, because the salt caverns are 2,000-4,000 feet below the surface, geologic pressures will sea; any crack that develops in the salt formation, assuring that no crude oil leaks from the cavern. An added benefit is the natural temperature differential between the top of the caverns and the bottom - a distance of around 2,000 feet; the temperature differential keeps the crude oil continuously circulating in the caverns, giving the oil a consistent quality.
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