To protect their shins from getting hit
For adult it is 30:2 and for children it is 15:2
Hands are the primary method of transmission of the common cold. The most frequent means of transmission of the tubercle bacillus is by droplet nuclei. The bacillus is present in the air as a result of coughing, sneezing, and expectoration of sputum by an infected person. The tubercle bacillus is not transmitted by means of contaminated food. Contact with contaminated food or water could cause outbreaks of salmonella, infectious hepatitis, typhoid, or cholera. The tubercle bacillus is not transmitted by eating utensils. Some exogenous microbes can be transmitted via reservoirs such as linens or eating utensils.
if the victim is coughing or making noise you should _______Mild choking__________.
Mild choking :
You might hear wheezing or a gagging sound. You should encourage them to cough hard to clear the blockage. In some cases, back blows with the heel of your hand can loosen the object. Bend the person over at the waist to help gravity pull out the obstruction as you apply the blows.
the answer could be Alzheimer's Disease
but i would need more information