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• working with different governments and worldwide partners
The neonatal period is the first 28 days of life. It is the period when new born babies are vulnerable to health problems. Considering health problem analysis framework, Infant or neonatal mortality is rampant at this stage of life, as babies(one month or below) have low chances of surviving. Better care or better babies care focus intensive care for neonates, and reducing their mortality rate.
Public health science outcome-orientated perinatal surveillance system can be explained as an objective, understandable, and acceptable basis for establishing monitoring evaluation, and regulatory strategies for hospitals with units for maternity and newborns. It is also the continuous, systematic collection, analysis and interpretation and data related to newborn babies in Hospitals, for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice.
Health problems are situations or conditions of people which are considered undesirable. It is measured as death, disease and disability.
There are many harmful chemicals in the cigarette that increases the red blood count. The compounds that is found in the cigarette are carbon monoxide, and other compounds that decreases the level of oxygen inside the body.
In order to compensate the oxygen level of the body, the body boosts the level of production of red blood blood cells in the body.
hence, the chemical like carbon dioxide and monoxide tends to decrease the level of oxygen in the body and elevated red blood cells.