When a muscle contract, it will become shorten. To kick a ball, there are many muscles used for moving the leg. Muscle from the thigh will move the lower leg and the power of kick comes from this muscle group. The muscle in the lower leg will control the feet and determine whether kick using the front or side of the feet.
Since the muscle in one side contract, the opposite muscle in the muscle pair will be flexed. The muscle in flex condition will be lengthened.
A cell is the smallest unit of living matter
The joint cavities are composed of two bones covered by the hyaline cartilage. The joint cavities allow for the movement of the two articulated bones. The fibrous and the cartilaginous bones have no joint cavities as they require little to no movement. These joints are connected tightly by the cartilage, such as in the spinal column. if the joint cavities were present in these joints, then these structures will not be held tightly and hence, they could not perform their function well.
Hence, the answer is 'the fibrous and cartilaginous joints will not be able to perform their function if they had joint cavities'.