I would love to, but compared to Brainly's rules and guidelines, this is counted as a spam, so please do not post anything other than school-related questions. Thank you!
Physiologic changes of this mass discharge effect include <u>increased arterial pressure, more blood flow to active muscles and less blood flow to organs not needed for rapid motor activity, increased rate of blood coagulation, increased rates of cellular metabolism through the body,</u> increased muscle strength, increased ...
If my child were to come to home from school, telling me about something in regards to a culture that is not true. I will explain to my child the difference of truth and myth regarding other cultures. I will explain to him or her about other people having to believe about certain things because of the culture they were born to. I will differentiate and give an example about true things that is currently happening and had happen and about the myths that were told and not yet proven.
The answer to this question is broccoli. Broccoli can help a person to have a long life. Broccoli is included to the cabbage family and the benefits of eating broccoli can lower blood pressure, provides good bone health, can detoxify blood, improves fertility, and can increase metabolism. Also in order to strengthen brittle bones, vitamin K is needed of the body which is in broccoli.
Answer: The integumentary system helps the immune system by The skin acts as a barrier to keep out pathogens (B)