Currently, he only makes 1/3 of his kicks. ... A number cube is being used to simulate the result of Bo's kicks where the numbers 11 or 22
The simple closed curve is called the base of the cone, and the fixed noncoplanar point is the vertex. ... Figure %: A right circular cone It is easy to see the close relationship between pyramids and cones. The only difference is the base--a pyramid is a cone with a polygonal base.
Categorical data may or may not have some logical order
while the values of a quantitative variable can be ordered and
Categorical data examples are: race, sex, age group, and
educational level
Quantitative data examples are: heights of players on a
football team; number of cars in each row of a parking lot
a) Colors of phone cover - quantitative
b) Weight of different phones - quantitative
c) Types of dogs - categorical
d) Temperatures in the U.S. cities - quantitative
The answer is C- Berthas cake weighs 463 grams more than Jessups cake