Answer is rescind the contract on the basis of fraud.
Refer below.
Creighton applies to BigData Corporation for a position as a software engineer. Creighton's resume lists training in computers or programming and background as an engineer when in fact he has neither. After Creighton is hired, BigData learns the truth. BigData can:
Rescind the contract on the basis of fraud.
Los europeos llevaban a un enemigo oculto a los indios: nuevas enfermedades. Los pueblos nativos de América no tenían inmunidad contra las enfermedades que los exploradores y colonos europeos traían consigo. Enfermedades como la viruela, la influenza, el sarampión e incluso la varicela resultaron mortales para los indios americanos.
Answer: Cereals and breads in the United States and Canada are now fortified with folic acid.
Many countries have commanded the addition of folic acid to certain foods to reduce the possibilities of the appearance of neural tube defects, with quite successful results.
In 1998, the United States required folic acid fortification of all cereal grain products identified as enriched. That same year, Canada required fortification of white flour, enriched pasta, and cornmeal.
Costa Rica, Chile and South Africa have also experienced a decrease in neural tube defects as a consequence of the fortification process.
The answer is letter B. Plato studied higher-level mental processes such as learning in 287 B.C. Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes like language use, perception, attention, problem solving, creativity and thinking. Plato said that the brain or mind is the center of all the mental processes.