In the given case, for the researcher to succeed, there is a need to place the gene next to the promoter sequence, which gets expressed in the mammary cells. The sequences of DNA, which illustrate that where the transcription of a gene by the RNA polymerase initiates is known as the promoter. These sequences are generally situated at the 5 prime terminals of the initiation site of transcription or are situated directly upstream.
<u>Answer</u>: Dense regular (fibrous) connective tissue.
- <em>Connective tissue</em> is a tissue that performs various functions such as binding, connecting and supporting the other organs or tissues or separating one tissue from another.
- <em>Dense regular connective tissue</em> connects various tissues present in the body.
- Since the fibers are tightly <em>packed</em>, this tissue is <em>dense and fibrous</em>, and because the arrangement of the fibers is in <em>parallel</em> fashion, it is of the <em>regular</em> type.
1s2 2s2 2p4
1s2 2s2 2p4 es la configuración electrónica de la molécula de agua. En el agua, hay 10 electrones, dos de hidrógeno y ocho de oxígeno. La subcapa 2s contiene un máximo de 2 electrones, mientras que la capa 2p puede acomodar seis electrones. El átomo de hidrógeno pertenece al primer grupo y el átomo de oxígeno pertenece al sexto grupo de la tabla periódica. En la estructura de Lewis, un átomo de oxígeno está unido a dos átomos de hidrógeno en un ángulo de 104,45 grados. Existe un enlace covalente presente entre el hidrógeno y el átomo de oxígeno en el que ambos se vuelven estables. El oxígeno necesita dos electrones, por lo que forma enlaces con dos átomos de hidrógeno que tienen un electrón cada uno.
Implicit memory
Implicit memory does not require consciousness.