<span>Least Common Denominator (LCD) is the least number which all the denominators can divide without remainder. The given denominators are 2, 16 and 8. The least number 2, 16 and 8 will divide without remainder is 16. Therefore, to express the fractions 1/2, 3/12, and 7/8 with an LCD, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator of each of the fractions with a common factor that makes the denominator to be 16. Therefore, 1/2, 3/16 and 7/8 expressed with an LCD are (1 x 8) / (2 x 8), 3/16, (7 x 2) / (8 x 2) = 8/16, 3/16, and 14/16.</span>
The volume of a sphere is
(4/3) (pi) (radius)³ .
In #5, the 'pi' is already there next to the answer window.
You just have to come up with the (4/3)(radius³).
Remember that the radius = 1/2 of the diameter.
7). The volume of a cylinder is
(pi) (radius²) (height) .
Divide the juice in the container by the volume of one can,
to get the number of cans he can fill.
8). The volume of a cone is
(1/3) (pi) (radius of the round bottom)² (height) .
He starts with a small cone, he then adds clay to it to make it higher.
The question is: How much clay does he ADD to the short one,
to make the bigger one ?
Use the formula to find the volume of the short one.
Use the formula again to find the volume of the bigger one.
Then SUBTRACT the smaller volume from the bigger volume.
THAT's how much clay he has to ADD.
Notice that the new built-up cone has the same radius
but more height than the first cone.
Don't worry if you don't understand this.
The answer will be this number:
(1/3) (pi) (radius²) (height of the big one minus height of the small one).
Segment addition postulate
Step-by-step explanation:
According to the segment addition postulate, given a line segment defined as AC then a point B is located along AC if and only if the length of the segments on the line satisfy the relation, AC = AB + BC. Therefore, whereby a line which is defined by two end points, is seen to be the sum of points between the two end points.
I think it’s uhhhh i think it’s uhhh i thinks a carrot
|x - 1| > 6
Step-by-step explanation:
b is the centre:
(-5 + 7)/2
2/2 = 1
b = 1
c is the distance from the centre
c = 7 - 1 = 6
Since it's an or case, > with the modulus
|x - 1| > 6