.... I don’t know but, he will be able to make smarter choices, he will be able to think before he does something, honestly don’t know
force = mass x acceleration
50 = 10a
Option A:
Surface waves are neither transverse nor longitudinal.They traverse perpendicularly or parallel to the wave's motion along the interface between different media.
Option B:
Transverse waves vibrate perpendicularly to the direction of the propagation of the wave.
Option C:
Sound is a longitudinal wave.Not a transverse wave.
Option D:
Transverse waves don't require a medium for propagation.But they propagate in medium too.
Initial velocity = 
acceleration in the downward direction = -9.8 
Final velocity at the highest point = 0
Maximum height reached = 0.410 m
Now, Using third equation of motion:

Speed with which the flea jumps =