Answer: Everything looks great
for number 5 i dont really think it was a disease i have been studying that topic for a project i haven't been able to determine from at least 12 different articles if its a disease or if its a chemical reaction due to the things put inside of e- cigarettes.
Number 9 Yes it can disrupt according to a article
Most e-cigarettes contain the highly addictive chemical nicotine and vaping delivers nicotine to the brain in as little as 10 seconds. A teen's brain is still developing, making it more vulnerable to nicotine addiction, and nicotine exposure during the teen years can disrupt normal brain development.
Numer 10 Should be lead particles
Scientists say the tiny metal coils that heat the liquid nitrogen in e-cigarettes may contaminate the resulting vapor with lead, chromium, manganese and nickel.
doing this so i reach 20 characters lol
B our enjoyment of nature
A leader demonstrates integrity by doing the right thing even when no one else is around to witness it.
A leader does not only need to have integrity to become successful. He must also be respectful, reliable, courageous, positive, motivational, and sincere. He must also be a visionary in the sense that he already envisioned what his organization will become under his leadership.
A successful leader not only increases his value of self but also those people under his leadership. He must also serve as an inspiration for people under his leadership to become a better version of themselves.
the filling that she was getting medicine to help her made her think she was getting better even though really she was the same