You need amino acids in your diet every day, since your body doesn't store excess amino acids consumed. If essential amino acids are missing from your diet, your body will start breaking down muscle tissue to access the amino acids that is contains so they can use them elsewhere.
Absence of oxygen
fermentation is an anaerobic (meaning doesn't require oxygen) process
Sistemas orgánicos
Aunque cada órgano del cuerpo realiza sus funciones específicas, los órganos también funcionan juntos por grupos, a los que se denomina sistemas orgánicos (ver Principales sistemas orgánicos). Los médicos clasifican las enfermedades y sus propias especialidades médicas de acuerdo a los diferentes sistemas orgánicos.
2) glycogen...................
Well considering birds follow humane rules, their selection and environment around them being thriving could effect their songs in a positive way. While a bird with a low selection of environmental stuff around them would effect their songs in a bad way giving off a more down manner.