As a general rule, when driving in the city, select a travel lane with the least amount of congestion and stay in the lane you have chosen until you need to turn, pass another vehicle, or avoid a hazard.
Many roads contain 2 or more lanes that go in the same direction. When driving on these roads, people who are traveling at low speed should stay in the right lane, allowing others to do it at a higher speed. The lane in which you will drive your vehicle depends on your speed and the factors mentioned above.

Pushpalal (Mid-Hill) Highway (H18) (Nepali: पुष्पलाल (मध्य-पहाडी) लोकमार्ग (रा.१८)) is an ongoing road project in Nepal, which is thought to be 1,776 kilometres (1,104 mi) long. After completion, it will be the longest national highway of Nepal. Nepal has three geographical regions from east to west, plain land or Terai in south, higher mountains or Himalayas in north and hills in middle region. The highway runs through the mid-hills region only. It starts from easternmost hill at Chiyabhanjyang of Panchthar District (Province No. 1) and ends at westernmost hill at Jhulaghat of Baitadi District in far west (Sudurpashchim Pradesh)
Correctional is the correct answer.
Reform movements worked only for child labor laws, safety in the workplace, and women’s suffrage.
The Gilded Age was the period in the United States history from the 1870s to nearly 1900. The Gilded Age was a period of speedy industrial growth, notably in the North and West. As American wages were much higher than the wages in Europe, particularly for experienced workers, at this time America saw the penetration of millions of European migrants.
However during this Age, the authoritative issues were notably concerning prohibition of, ethnic or racial groups. With the speedy growth of towns, federal agencies frequently took command over metropolitan. In trade, influential regional trusts were established in some enterprises. These Associations crusaded for the long working hours and the eradication of child labor. Middle-class reformers also demanded assistance improvement, temperance of alcohol and beer, and women's suffrage.
South Carolina became one of the wealthiest early colonies largely due to exports of cotton, rice, tobacco, and indigo dye.