A mother's diet before conception can permanently affect how her child's genes function, according to a study published in Nature Communications. A 2003 study found that a female mouse's diet can change her offspring's coat color by permanently modifying DNA methylation.
E. All the answer options are correct.
Cilia are very small hair-like, membrane-bound cell structures. They are present on the surface of many eukaryotic cells. They are made of microtubules and are continuous with the plasma membrane of a cell. On a single cell, they are present in large numbers as compared to flagella. The major function of cilia is to move the cell or to move substances such as mucous, fluid over or around the cell.
Light microscopes can only magnify up to 2000 times the original size. It is difficult to enhance the contrast between cells and their surroundings to see cell structure and movement with a light microscope.
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This definition suits that of "HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES"
Homologous chromosomes are similar pairs of chromosomes i.e. in length, gene positioning and centromere location (one from each parent) but not identical. Homologous chromosomes are not identical in the sense that, alleles on each pair may be different, resulting in genetic variation of the offspring.
Using humans as a case study, a karyotype (pictorial display of chromosomal arrangement) shows the complete set of chromosomes, which has two complete set (diploid). Each human cell contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, with each pair contributed by each parent i.e. 46 chromosomes in total. Every chromosome pair represents a set of homologous chromosome.
With the actions of the humans the biodiversity is facing a huge problem in most of the world, the habitats are destroyed, forests are cleared, animals are killed, water and air are polluted...
In order to conserve the biodiversity there are certain things that have to be put in action. The methods for conservation can be in-situ methods and ex-situ methods.
The in-situ methods are the preferred ones, as these methods are focused on conserving the environment as it is. This basically means that the ares that have larger biodiversity, and especially where there's species that are rare, should be made national parks, sanctuaries, monuments of nature, thus being protected by law.
The ex-situ methods are the ones that involve the conservation of the species outside of their natural habitat. That is done with gene banks, sperm and ova banks, seed banks, zoos and botanical gardens, collections of In vitro plant tissue and microbal culture, and captive breeding of animals and artificial propagation of plants.