The 1842 Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation, then located in Indian Territory (Oklahoma) west of the Mississippi River, was the largest escape of a group of slaves to occur among the Cherokee. The slave revolt started on November 15, 1842, when a group of 20 African-American slaves owned by the Cherokee escaped and tried to reach Mexico, where slavery had been abolished in 1836. Along their way south, they were joined by 15 slaves escaping from the Creek in Indian Territory.
The partition of India in 1974 was mainly due because of religious matters and of the high population of Muslims, Hindus ,and Sikhs in the area.Bangladesh and Pakistan became a muslim-majority country and India became a Sikh and hindu-majority Country
also Hindus and Sikhs got a long more than Muslims because of the same language and Muslims were used to Urdu and Arabic as their language and the Hindus and Sikhs adopted as a language called Hindi as there main language
Because the Ottoman Empire wanted more land. Also the Ottoman Empire lost the first war and when they do lost the war the give them land but no money
Von bismarck created the ems telegram