Gametes are formed resulting from the process of meiosis where the gametes get half of the original number of chromosomes. One phenomenon that happens during the prophase 1 of Meiosis and leads to the genetic diversification is crossing over. In this process , Here, homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange information present on genes from one another. When information is exchanged, it leads to the diversity of genetic data.
The second way of increasing genetic diversity is independent assortment that takes place during metaphase 1. In this process chromosomes from both father and mother cells align on equatorial plate of the cell in an independent manner. This means that some gamete can have 1 of many different chromosomal combinations.
This reshuffling of chromosomes during independent assortment enhances the genetic diversity of any organism and this also explains why kids of same parents can look or behave very different.
The following are the two considerations demonstrating that there would be less biodiversity than the tropical areas in the Mediterranean climate as well as polar areas.
The first reason is all tropical areas experience drastic temperature variation.
The second reason is early in the earth's history, the northern latitudes are inhabited.
Answer: Sí, las vitaminas te ayudarán mucho, así que lo que podrías hacer es ir a la tienda y comprar algunas, vienen en pastillas o comprimidos que se disuelven en agua.