Using the trademark of a social media site Community
Life Inc. by Befriends Corporation as a meta tag without community life's
permission is permissible if the use reasonably necessary or the use constitutes
trademark infringement. Therefore, the answer is letter C.
Correct answer choice is:
D. April 30
The billing cycle for a credit card or whatever sort of cyclical account is the duration of time connecting billings. For instance, a billing cycle may begin on the 1st day of the month and finishes on the 30th day of the month. Or, it may proceed of the 15th of an individual month to the 15th of the following month.
1. Form 8-K : A unique or significant happening.
2. Form 10-K: Annual information required by Regulation S-X.
3. Form 8-K: Changes in control of the registrant.
4. Form 10-Q: Interim financial statements.
5. Not required: Fourth quarter income statement.
6. Form 8-K: Bankruptcy.
7. Form 10-K: Annual information required by Regulation S-K.
8. Form 10-Q: Income statement for the current quarter, year-to-date, and comparative periods in the previous year.
9. Not required: Changes in bookkeeping staff.
10. Form 8-K: Changes in the registrant's independent auditor.
The SEC, an acronym for Securities and Exchange Commission was created under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The Act empowered the SEC to require registration of securities, security exchanges, and reporting by publicly owned firms.
Some of the forms to be filled as required by the United States of America, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) includes;
1. Form 10-K.
2. Form 10-Q.
3. Form 8-K.
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