Podoconiosis is not a communicable disease – it is caused by contact with red clay soils, not an infectious agent. However, trachoma and scabies are communicable diseases found in conditions of poverty, overcrowding and poor access to clean water and sanitation.
I believe it's A. Enabling
Enabling is defined as doing things for a person with an alcohol problem that they normally could and would do for themselves if they were sober. In contrast, helping is doing something that the alcoholic could not or would not do for themselves if sober
that’s the only negative effect
Body fluid contains electrolytes, chemicals which, when they dissolve in water, produce charged ions. These ions enable the flow of electrical signals through the body. Electrolytes play an important role in the body; they regulate the osmotic pressure in cells and help maintain the function of muscle and nerve cells.
Hernias are caused by a combination of muscle weakness and strain. Depending on its cause, a hernia can develop quickly or over a long period of time. some causes of muscle weakness would be like failure of the abdominal wall to close properly in the womb, which is a congenital defectagechronic coughingdamage from injury or surgery