The copy combination is "ctrl+c". Highlight the text, go to where you want to paste it to, and use the combinations "ctrl+v".
1. In tabletop games and video games, game mechanics are the rules that guide the player's moves or actions, as well as the game's response to them.
5.User interface is about the visual design and the information designs around the screens while the User Experience is about the whole experience and not only about the screen. User interface is mainly focused on the product while User experience on the other hand mostly focuses on the user and their journey through the product.
We study computer organization to become familiar with how circuits and signals collaborate to create working computer systems.
The difference is that system on a desk top preforms all the basic tasks like file management, memory management handling input and output and controlling peripheral devices such ad disk and printers where as some smart phone work on specific hardware
Generally we'd need "the following" if the question asks about it. Senioritis usually affects high school seniors IIRC.