This is the study of life
lvl 2 - Molecules consist of atoms
lvl 3 - Cells consist of molecules
lvl 4 - Organisms consist of cells
lvl 5 - Populations consist of organisms
lvl 6 - Communities consist of populations
lvl 7 - Ecosystems consist of communities interacting with their environment
lvl 8 - The biosphere consists of all ecosystems on Earth
See the answer below
<em>Hemophilia typically affects more males than females because the disorder is </em><em>X-linked </em><em>and </em><em>recessive</em><em>. </em>
<u>Females have two X chromosomes (XX) while males only have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). The two X chromosomes in females are capable of carrying alleles while the Y chromosome in males is hypothesized not able to carry alleles. </u>
Consequently, the two X chromosomes in females will both need to carry the recessive allele of hemophilia in order for any female to be affected for hemophilia while the males only need their single X chromosome to carry the recessive allele in order to be affected.
In order words, the presence of a single recessive allele is not enough for a female to be affected while it is more than enough for a male to be affected. Hence, more males are affected b hemophilia disorder than females.
The answer you are looking for is right here, Gogli Apparatus is the answer
Example answer number one