The type of advertisement that is most likely to make somebody submit their ad far in advance would be direct mail advertising.
Direct ads for short.
Dam i only have the old cd.. i dont get updates
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature
Taylor can withdrawn 1,374.20 dollars each month
deposits of 444 for 20 years = withdrawals of X for 15 years
We must calcualte amount to satisfy:
future value of his deposits = present value of his withdrawals
We first need to get the future value of the retirement account
and then the PMT this fund can do.
<u>deposits future value:</u>
C $ 444
time 240 (20 years x 12 months er year)
rate 0.003333333 ( 0.04 annual rate / 12 months = monthly rate)
FV $162,847.9340
<u>withdrawals PMT:</u>
PV $162,847.93
time 180
rate 0.005
C $ 1,374.203
For me i would say the answer is C
I really hope i helped
let me know if it is right!
Have a great day :)