Answer for the question:
During the beginning of the 21st century, the growth in computer sales declined for the first time in almost two decades. As a result, PC makers dramatically reduced their orders of computer chips from Intel and other vendors. In general, the environment in which computer manufacturers operate is very uncertain; how should we expect this feature of the market to affect the length of contracts between computer manufacturers and their hardware manufacturers?
is given in the attachment.
a. The DVDs, CDs, albums, and video games held for sale to customers.
Classification: Assets
b. A long-term loan owed to Citizens Bank.
Classification: Liability
c. Promotional costs to publicize a concert.
Classification: Expense
d. Daily sales of merchandise sold
Classification: Revenue
e. Amounts due from customers
Classification: Asset
f. Land held as an investment
Classification: Asset
g. A new computer purchased for office use.
Classification: Expense
h. Amounts to be paid in 10 days to suppliers
Classification: Liability
i. Amounts paid to property owner for rent.
Classification: Expense
I would say be unclean, they cant be unclean
3) physical-asset specificity
In a business to business relationship, physical asset specificity refers to an asset, or product or service designed to fit a particular or specialized customer's need.
In this case, True Tomato needs a very specific type of bottle that probably no other ketchup manufacturer may use or want to use. So their bottle supplier specifically manufactures the tomato shaped bottle to meet True Tomato's specific requirements.
Information used to determine which products to produce
Determination of products whose production is not yet decided is a managerial issue, and it is part of internal information that should be not delivered to external parties. Furthermore, this data usually is not accurate, so sharing outside would not be even recommended for this sole reason.