The answer is - Regulating local workplaces was beyond the scope of understanding of interstate commerce at the time and was, therefore, perceived to be an unconstitutional exercise of power by the federal government.
The supreme court struck down the attempts by congress to regulate child labor and factory conditions in local workplaces because the court because it disapproved child labor and saw it as an unconstitutional exercise of power by the federal government in attempting to manage a purely local matter, workplace condition. It therefore concluded that the harm of child labor had nothing to do with interstate commerce and was out of the reach of congressional power.
Because, although people have an abundant amount of water with no limitations people still use what they need and dont waste it.
Its human instinct to take whats needed and save the rest. Maybe its because of how we are raised but people seem to be less greedy with water then with other things.
In ties with Genghis, this culminated in a final breach. In the west of the empire, Jochi fled to his lands and never returned to Mongolia. In1226, he died. His sons, Batu Khan and Orda Khan, inherited his estate, collectively known as Jochi's Ulus.
i rewrote it for you
The basic doctrines of early Buddhism, which remain common to all Buddhism, include the four noble truths: existence is suffering (dukhka); suffering has a cause, namely craving and attachment (trishna); there is a cessation of suffering, which is nirvana; and there is a path to the cessation of suffering, the eightfold path of right views, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Buddhism characteristically describes reality in terms of process and relation rather than entity or substance.