The answer should be Representation.
context-dependent; cognitive memory
Context dependent can be defined as a situation whereby one have a better tendency of recalling what they studied, if they are to write an exam or test in the same learning environment.
It is a form of cognitive memory uses existing knowledge to generate new knowledge.
If you study in the same room in which you take an exam, you will probably do better on the exam than if you had studied somewhere else. This is made possible because context-dependent memory.
In "The Things They Carried," O'Brien talks about the various items that the men carried with them during the war. O'Brien is able to connect the physical items that the men carry with the emotional burdens that they also have to dealt with. For example, O'Brien talks about a man who carries pantyhose with him as a way to remember his girlfriend. This is also a sign of longing for home and company. Another example is the man who carries maps with him. This is a way of representing the responsibility that the man carried with him when it came to the rest of the team. The physical items contribute to developing the theme of the difficulties and burdens that soldiers have to face, even long after the war is over.
yes it is mercantillists is a foreign trade
geography effects the early settlement because if you lived near a water source, you would be able to grow crops. if the river started running low you had to make sure that you are able to have an irrigation system. Vegetation was very well next to rivers and bank because of all the fertile soil and rich minerals the water left behind. Before the stone age, people were nomads meaning they had to move around. they had to climb over mountains and walk to scorching deserts, and mosses, just to be able to survive. These are some ways geography affected early settlements.