Answer: Wash the skin where the contact occurred
Ivy causes an itchy and blistering rash that may prompt the parents to apply some kind of ointment on the area but
, undoubtedly,the most important instruction to give the parent is to wash the skin where the contact occurred.On average, no other other indication should be given until the child is taken to see a doctor.
b) anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa
Jenny thinks she is fat and refuses to eat despite being severely underweight. Kevin periodically eats three entire pizzas and then uses laxatives to remove all the food from his system. Based on this information, Jenny most likely has <u>anorexia nervosa</u> and Kevin most likely has <u>bulimia nervosa</u>. Group of answer choices a.bulimia nervosa; b.anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa; c.a binge-eating disorder anorexia nervosa; d.bulimia nervosa anorexia nervosa; e.a binge-eating disorder
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder occurs most often in adolescent girls. The problem is found as refusal of food to maintain normal body weight b reducing food intake, especially fats and carbohydrates. As Jenny thinks she is fat and refuses to eat despite being severely underweight she has <u>anorexia nervosa.</u>
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves bingeing on food repetitively. To compensate for this behaviour m they come up with forced vomiting,excessive exercise and use of taxatives and diuretics. Their purging behaviour are often kept secret because the feel guilt and shame for their lack of self confidence. As Kevin periodically eats three entire pizzas and then uses laxatives to remove all the food from his system he most likely has <u>bulimia nervosa</u>.
b. concept
In cognitive psychology, a concept refers to a mental grouping of similar things, events and people that is used to remember and understand what things are, what they mean, and the groups they belong to. This mental grouping will later be used for different other processes such as memory, reasoning and communicating with others.
Therefore, a concept is a mental representation used for a variety of cognitive functions, including memory, reasoning, and using and understanding language.
b. Kanban
Kanban which means signboard or billboard in Japanese, was developed by Taiichi Ohnoin, an industrial engineer at Toyota. It is a scheduling system for lean manufacturing and just-in-time manufacturing (JIT) and works to improve manufacturing efficiency. Most people in the automotive industry describe kanban as the "Toyota nameplate system".