Rhetoric is the study and art of writing and speaking well, being persuasive, and knowing how to compose successful writing and presentations. Rhetoric teaches us the essential skills of advanced learning and higher education.
Rhetoric gives you a framework to think critically about your writing and reading choices. Knowing how to use the tools of rhetoric can improve your communication and can help more people to agree with your perspective.
We have been asked not to have drama club meetings in the library common area. I say, how dare they restrict our freedom of speech! - straw man argument
I may not have a degree from my fancy college, but I know what’s right. - hasty generalization
I started playing Keno at six. You have to start young to get good at it. - ad homonym
My opponent is no patriot. Plain folks fallacy
Either you’re with us, or you’re against us. -either Dash or reasoning
It varies greatly depending on the type of the disabilty - you might be talking about wheelchair users, or about partially deaf pupils...
all in all, the main point is to:
- access: ramps, doors, drinking fountains and even the space inside of the classroom need to be adapted to the kid with special needs.
- teaching method: since they cannot participate at certain activities due to their limitations, these ones also need to adapt so the substance of the topic will be succesfully transmited to the kid as well.
- environment awareness: another difficulty that kids with disabilities might face is the acceptance of their condition by their collegues. An official way to separately teach the interested ones about how to properly treat these kids would help. Charts and Informative Papers around the school could also improve the approach
- exclusive activities: once all kids with special needs are gathered at the same place, they can all enjoy the same type of activity without hypothetical jugdemental thought from their collegues behalf, therefore, this could improve their sense of importance by receiving special attention.
Well, hope this helps =)