Answer: People were concerned about what groups were influencing politicians through their contributions.
Explanation: An Act to promote fair practices in the conduct of election campaigns for Federal political offices, and for other purposes. Following the reports of serious financial abuses in political campaign, Congress amended the Federal Election Campaign Act to set limits on contributions by individuals and political parties.
Federal Election Campaign Act is a United States of America federal law which increased disclosure of contributions for federal campaigns, and amended to place legal limits on the campaign contributions. The amendment also created the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The law imposed restrictions on the amounts of monetary or other contributions that could lawfully be made to federal candidates and parties, and it mandated disclosure of contributions and expenditures in campaigns for federal office.
C. African people knew agricultural
techniques that could be used in the
The colonists prefer groups of individuals that already knew how to farm and manage crops instead of someone untrained and unknowledgeable.
The answer is: Japanese Americans
Researchers predict that the success of Asian Americans is related to the culture that exist within their community.
For example, asian parents tend to require responsibilities for their children to do well in school. This often resulted in higher GPA and increase their chance of obtaining high paying jobs.
we should make change currency and have a jobb offering for everyone so no one is jobless.