They created the valleys because they pulled them downstream
The origin, structure, and future of the universe are studied by _______.
True because if you really liked that person you would want to be like them so you would want to smoke
no longer alive
मृत, निर्जीव
Police found a dead body under the bridge.Police found a dead body under the bridge.
no longer used; finished
जो अब प्रयोग में नहीं है; अप्रयोग के कारण समाप्त, मृत
Latin is a dead language.Latin is a dead language.
people who have died
मृत व्यक्ति, मृतक
A church service was held in memory of the dead.A church service was held in memory of the dead.
completely, exactly or very
पूरी तरह, अत्यधिक
The car made a strange noise and then stopped dead.The car made a strange noise and then stopped dead.