)1.Hier,il ________ a voyagé en avion.
2.Nous ________ téléchargeons de la musique via internet.
3.François_________va chez ses grands-parentsla semaine prochaine.
4.Quand vous étiez jeune, vous ________ habitiez en Espagne.
5.______________ ne gaspille pas ton temps!
J'écris un mail à mon cousin.
Est-ce qu'elle comprend ma question?
Je bois du thé glacé.
Nous apprenons à faire de l'escalade.
Elle sait toujours les bonnes réponses à l'examen.
Connait-il vos copines ?
Nous faisons les courses le samedi.
Nous devons faire nos devoirs.
Ils décrivent leur nouvel appartement.
<em>Question using INVERSION with pronoun "nous" "s'amuser"</em>
<em />
Nous amusons-nous ?
<em />
<em />
<em>without inversion = Est-ce que nous nous amusons ?</em>
<em>Nous nous amusons ?</em>
hope this helps ☺☺☺
French people kisses each other on the cheeks two times or more depending on the different region in France. It is called, "La bises." Men don't usually kiss each other on the cheeks but maybe except for family. Handshakes are most commonly used for men. There are different greeting formalities in French. You have to greet formally to the people older than you, teachers, and strangers. You can greet informally to friends, family, people your age, or people younger than you. There is a thing called Vouvoyer and Tutoyé. Vouvoyer basically means that you have to adress a person as vous which is formal, and Tutoyé means that you have to adress a person as tu which is more informal. In the United States, people usually like to greet each other with a hug or with a handshake. A hug is more informal and a handshake is more formal. French people are not used to greet with hugs and American people are not used to kisses on cheeks.
This is what I know. Hope it helps a bit.
D. Réponde is the answer.