Futures contracts are derivatives. Their price is derived from one or more underlying assets. Due to their nature as commodities, a buyer can agree to purchase at a predetermined price; and a seller can agree to sell that quantity at the agreed-upon price.
<h3>The short-run aggregate supply curve shows the relationship between the price level and aggregate expenditure
A short-run aggregate supply curve (SRAS) is a graphical model that shows the positive relationship between aggregate price level and aggregate production amount supplied in an economy. The short-run aggregate supply curve is sloping upward as the supplied quantity increases as the prices increase.
The short-run aggregate supply curve captures the relationship between the actual output and the price level. True production becomes bigger as the price level increases. As the price level decreases, actual production decreases too.
One typical example of this linkage between the economy at the macroeconomic level, and business decisions at the macroeconomic and microeconomic level, is what happened with Lehman Brothers in 2008.
Lehman Brothers was one of the main investment banks in the United States. During the years prior to the financial crisis, Lehman Brothers decided to pursue a risky but profitable strategy of over leveraging -lending a lot more money than they had as deposits.
Once the financial crisis hit, a macroeconomic event, it affected the company at the macro and micro level. At the macro level because Lehman Brothers itself ceased to exist as it went bankrupt, and at the micro level, because it had to enter a process to pay off some debtors, and some of the employees who were laid off due to the dissolution of the firm.
The SRAS curve will shift to the right.
A decline in nominal wages will reduce the cost of hiring labor. The overall cost of production will reduce as well. The firms will be able to increase production and investment.
This increase in production and investment will increase the aggregate supply. As a result, the short-run aggregate supply curve will move to the right. This will cause the equilibrium price to fall and the equilibrium quantity to increase.
Total deduction 2,443.21
x 6.20% Sccial Security 513.856
x 1.45% Medicate 120.176
x 6.20% FUTA&SUTA (for 7,000) 434
Income tax witheld 1,375.17
Total deduction 2,443.21
We will multiply his taxable wages for period by the tax rate.
We must noticew FUTA and SUTA applies fdor the first 7,000 only so we multiply by 7,000 not by 8,288