It is true that Emotional contagion can be done through talking to the other person and synchronization of one's vocalizations, postures and movements
To understand this answer we need to remember the concept and its characteristics so here I go. Emotional contagion describes that one persons' emotions can impact someone else awakening similar emotions just by being observed. They can be induced consciously or unconsciously. However, the way they express their emotions and how they make the other person experience similar emotions is done unconsciously and very important to create emotional synchrony and achieve a profound level of understanding in the relationship.
Confucious believed that social order, harmony, and good government could be restored in China if society were organized around five basic relationships.
Industrial cities began to develop because of new technologies and ideas and in order for the factories to grow larger, they needed more workers so the the unemployed people had those opportunities to work there.
The battle cry so to speak of the colonists was the famous phrase "no taxation without representation." The colonists believed that they were being unjustly taxed by Britain and therefore had reason to revolt to overturn this injustice and others they felt were being imposed on them at the hands of Britain.
The United states and Great bRITIAN