Answer: This is customer to customer online marketing
This is a way that customers create a productive ways to interact with each other in order to trade product that can be sold online with easy access.
This means a customer has a relationship with a particular business where they buy product that they can sell online at advertise online
A third part is used to sell these product or advertise them a third part as in this case is an online platform.
Consumers are able to advocate for the quality of that product .
4. all of the alternatives are correct
Criteria for determining that a behavior is habitual include that; the behavior is enacted even if the outcome has been devalued, the behavior is enacted in the absence of motivation, and the behavior is enacted even if the behavior outcome contingency is no longer operative. For a behavior to be habitual, it means that the behavior is exhibited constantly with or without motivation or stimulus, that action or behavior is now a habit.
In "smoke-filled room" studies, smoke billowed from a vent in a room. If the research participant in the room was alone, he or she was more likely to get help quickly. If the participant was with a crowd, he or she was likely to either take much longer to get help or not get help at all.
This experiment was conducted by John Darley and Bibb Latané during the 1960s, Columbia University, participants were told to fill questionaries while in a room if the participant was alone in all of the cases they run to the hall to tell someone about the smoke, but in the other part of the experiment the participant was in a room with other people which were confederates of the researchers, and were told to say or do nothing about the smoke, and to say they did not know if they were asked about it, in this part of this experiment 9 of 10 participants stayed quiet and finished the test watching the smoke but refusing to move because of the social pressure.