A business owner pays for rent and equipment at their office ⇒ FIXED COSTs since the amount of rent paid should be the same year after year
An airline considers the costs of serving food and beverages to its passengers ⇒ VARIABLE COSTS since the cost of serving food will increase as the number of passengers increase, or will decrease if the number of passengers decrease
A company considers the costs it pays to its employees ⇒ VARIABLE COSTS since the number of employee can vary and the number of hours worked can also vary
A clothing manufacturer buys new machines for its factory ⇒ FIXED COSTS since the machines are depreciated at a predetermined rate that doesn't depend on the factory's output
I don’t know the answer I just need the points like really badly and I’m really sorry
<u>Answer:</u> This approach is called attrition.
Attrition is the process of reducing the workforce of the company due to various reasons. Here South Carolina has lot of budget constraints which forces the state to reduce the in take of new employees. This approach can also be called as hiring freeze so that the payroll can be reduced instead of doing layoffs.
The strength of the state is reduced in order to reduce the expenses and money pay outs. When there is a deficiency in the budgets actions have to be taken accordingly to minimize the effects.
a person on whom you can rely
it's the correct answer
Accounting entity concept:
The basic idea behind this concept is that business and the owner are two different entities. Their transactions are to be recorded separately.
Going concern concept:
The concept is to have a view that the company is going to stay solvent in the future. That is we will have another accounting year in the future unless and otherwise we have evidence to the contrary.
Cost-benefit constraint:
It limits the amount of time to research the cost of an event if its benefits outweighs. In case of an immaterial event if its cost outweighs the benefits then that event can be forgone.
Expense recognition (matching principle):
The matching principle states that all the expenses are to be recorded based on the year they have been incurred rather than on the time they are paid.
Materiality constraint:
It states that any event that changes or effects the decision making of the user of financial statement should be recorded and vice versa.
Revenue recognition principle:
It states that the revenue is to be recorded in the period in which it has been incurred instead when it is collected. Accrual basis gives a more clear picture of the performance of the company.
Full disclosure principle:
It requires to disclose any information to be mentioned in the foot notes of the financial statements of the company that might affect the user of financial statement. This helps in identifying the methods used for accounting practices and any event that might effect the organisations future existence.
Cost principle:
To record the transactions based on their historical costs rather than making adjustments for fluctuations in market place.