Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke causes approximately 45 to 46,000 non smokers to die of heat diseases annually. Smoking harms the cardiovascular system in many ways which include; damaging the lining of arteries, reduces HDL, good choresterol, Raises LML, bad cholesterol, increases blood pressure and heart rate, it also causes the platelets to stick together in the blood stream and speeds the development of fatty deposits in the arteries among other risk factors.
Muscle cells extended called nervous muscle fibre tissue unit of muscle fiber
Types of Chemical Weathering
Carbonation. When you think of carbonation, think carbon! ...
Oxidation. Oxygen causes oxidation. ...
Hydration. This isn't the hydration used in your body, but it's similar. ...
Hydrolysis. Water can add to a material to make a new material, or it can dissolve a material to change it. ...
The number of predators and preys change from time to time following
cycles. Whenever there is fewer prey, predators start dying because they
have not enough to eat; however, that provokes the population of prey
to be increased while there are fewer predators. So if suddenly the
number of prey gets bigger, regardless of the number of predators, the
cycles get disturbed by this sudden occurrence. The predators will get
more to hunt, therefore getting more violent.