The way I would separate the shell fragments from the sand would be by using a filter. As shell fragments are larger than sand. So I would use a filter with 2 mm spaces to separate them. Now, for the sand separation from the water, I would heat the water so it would evaporate and connect a tube to another recipient making the sand stay in the first tube and the water vapor cools in the tube to precipitate in the other recipient. Three mixtures I have prepared at home are chocolate milk, coffee and cream, and lemon juice and tea.
To understand this answer we have to remember a few things. First, mixtures always have solute and solvent. The solvent is the most liquid component of the mixture and it can incorporate the more solid element in its composition to carry it. Now, there are several methods to separate them, barrier methods like filters are the first and more basic ones, as they are aimed to separated big solutes. While evaporation can be used to separate two very liquid elements. Like distillation of alcohol to separate the most concentrated oil from the alcohol.
The correct answer is "the S layer may play a role in protecting cells from viruses and predatory bacteria found in nature but not in laboratory cultures".
The S-layer (surface layer) is a part of the cell's envelope comprised of of identical proteins or glycoproteins that could be found in archaes and some bacterias in nature. The function of the S-layer is unknown, however the fact that is only seen in nature suggest that it may play a role in protecting cells from viruses and predatory bacteria found in nature but not in laboratory cultures. It is likely that archaes and bacteria synthesize the S-layer when they recognize viruses and predatory bacteria in nature, the S-layer is not synthesized in laboratory cultures because these pathogens are not present.
A mutation is a change that occurs in our DNA sequence, either due to mistakes when the DNA is copied or as the result of environmental factors such as UV light and cigarette smoke. Mutations can occur during DNA replication if errors are made and not corrected in time.
Two members of the excavate clade that can cause disease are <u><em>diplomonads and parabasalids</em></u>
The excavate clade comprises of unicellular organisms which are eukaryotic. This group contains free-living organisms as well as organisms which form symbiotic relationships.
The diplomonads can be described as a group of flagellates which are considered to be parasitic. Some of them are even parasites to the humans.
The parabasalids are a group of flagellated protists within the supergroup Excavata. These organisms also form parasitic relationships.
cell wall
the main difference between animal cell and plant cell is in existing of cell wall on plant cell and existing of centriols in animal cell large vacules in plant cell ...