True. A priest was a noble and highly respected person in the middle ages.
Where the wars between the Native Americans and Americans necessary?
Yes. The Natives where here first and did live here but they didn't own it, they may have been here first but it was not there land. The land belongs to the people. I know, You and I weren't there then but they Americans (Travelers) knew what they where doing. It does look bad on what we did to them but was it worth it? Yes, you have to fight in life for what you want it was a fair fight.
Southern California and Australia
These are the sunniest and hottest of the places listed
In the 1930's, the best time to sell your stocks would have been around mid-April (this is when they were worth the most.)The best time to buy new stocks would have been when the stock market was at its lowest point,during late October.
Floride has a very humid/tropical climate.