Marco Polo was the trader that traveled from Venice, Italy to China and brought back information about Asia. Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant traveler. His father was the person from whom he learned the ways of mercantile trade. He did travel to China but he was not the first person. he made a detailed description in his books.
Yes, As much as people try to fix it there is still racism
The answer is: A. It is aligned with values, challenging objectivity.
Action research is a form of research that conducted by offering some sort of progressive solutions to the communities that are experiencing some sort of problems. (such as hate groups, vandalism, etc)
While the intention might be good, action research is undeniable based on value, since the solutions that offered by the researchers would only based on what the researchers think as morally right. This will create a bias in the way their view the result of their research.
Answer:the process of the world shrinking and becoming more connected
Tiêu chuẩn phát thải đặt ra giới hạn về lượng ô nhiễm mà một phương tiện hoặc động cơ có thể thải ra. EPA nhận ra rằng để giảm ô nhiễm nguồn di động, chúng ta không chỉ phải giải quyết các phương tiện, động cơ và thiết bị, mà còn cả nhiên liệu mà chúng sử dụng. Vì vậy, chúng tôi đã thiết lập các tiêu chuẩn lưu huỳnh cho xăng, nhiên liệu diesel trên đường và nhiên liệu diesel không đường.