equal to 1
All conversion factors used in any calculation is usually a ratio that is equal to 1. This is because when 1 is used to multiply or divide any number, the number stays the same.
- Conversion factors are useful in making the simplification of an expression very simple. They are usually ratios of 1.
- It follows that a conversion factor is a number that when multiplied or divided by itself will stay the same.
Learn more:
conversion factor: brainly.com/question/555814
Somewhat false
observations can be made of a model of the statue of liberty, say, or in real line
90g of H2O
2H2 + O2 —> 2H2O
First, we calculate the molar masses of H2 And H20.
Molar Mass of H2 = 2g/mol
Mass conc of H2 from the balanced equation = 2 x 2 = 4g
Molar Mass of H2O = 2 + 16 = 18g/mol
Mass conc of H2O from the balanced equation = 2x18 = 36g
From the equation,
4g of H2 produced 36g of H2O
Therefore, 10g of H2 will be produce = (10x36)/4 = 90g of H2O
They have a positive charge and are present in the nucleus of an atom along with the neutrons.
Protons have a positive charge.